Best Practices For Writing Content

Best Practices For Writing Content

Be wise when selecting your keywords

You should write your content for your audience and not the search engines. You must however include a little optimisation. When it comes to optimising:

  • Include a selected keyword in your copy/content.
  • Don’t mention it too many times!
  • Select one primary keywords and some supporting ones to go along with it.
  • Think about selecting one primary keyword and one supporting ones to go along with it.
  • Use the exact terms, do not abbreviate them.

Key tips: as long as the content reads naturally then the writer shouldn’t worry too much about how many times a keyword has been mentioned.

Think about your headline and titles

These need to be enticing/appealing, if it isn’t enticing/appealing it won’t be read. You should shape your heading to suggest what the page is about and that your content is solving a problem, creating a debate and offering guidance. Also keep in mind that the heading will be used when it is shared on social networks.

Make sure content delivers on your headline

8 out of 10 people will read headline copy, but only 2 out of 10 people will read the rest. Many people skim over the articles, they won’t stick around to digest the content if they don’t feel they are reading content relevant to the headline.

Break up your text

Using sub-heading, short paragraphs, call-out boxes and bullet points will make information easier to digest. It will also help those people that are skimming and scanning your content. Sub-headings also have a minor SEO benefit.


Backing up your content with screenshots, infographics, charts etc can add a lot of benefit your content. It is also important to remember that any images you use on your site are under strict copyright laws so you must make sure that you have permission of the owner.

Key tips: It is worth tagging your images and giving them captions to help search engines to work out what they are.