Five Talking Points Before Your Web Project Begins

Five Talking Points Before Your Web Project Begins

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and have your website redone, or you’re finally getting round to getting your business online.

You need to make sure that you maintain a healthy relationship with your web design company. Here’s five tips to help you right from the off.


How will we communicate through the project? Can I ring you? Text? Out of hours? Set these boundaries at the beginning and everybody knows where they stand. You’ll likely be appointed a project manager with whom most of these discussions will take place, but it’s best to know right away.

Project Management

As stated above, it’s likely you’ll be assigned a project manager at the beginning of your project, but if that’s not the case, you need to know how the project is going to be managed. Are you going to be responsible for making sure the project strays on track, is the responsibility going to lie solely with the developer or is there someone in the business who is in control of all projects. It’s good for everybody if this is clear from the beginning.


If you have a deadline for your project, then it would be a good idea to tell the web design company this. The work may be planned to take place at a certain time which doesn’t line up with your expected completion date. If everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet then undoubtedly you’ll end up with a better website once the project ha been completed.


The designers or developer may assume that they have the right to make the small decisions when it comes to your project, but you may have a completely different idea on this. It’s best for everyone if these little decisions are made in unison.


What is the structure of the project? When is the first payment due? What am I getting for my money? The last thing you’re going to want is for the project to be held up with an admin issue. Have this discussion early on to avoid any issues with moving the project forward.

Setting expectations right from the beginning of the project is a great way for both parties to have a healthy relationship throughout the whole project and for the future of your working relationship.

If you’re looking for a web design company you can trust, then get in touch with Give the Dog a Bone today.