Page Content Since search engines are increasingly placing more emphasis on content, and in particular text, it is very important to include a considerable amount of text on your pages.  However, it is even more important that visitors have a good experience when visiting your website, so the quality of your content and relevance to...

Implementing SEO changes

Implementing SEO changes

This blog will show you how you can now make changes to your websites to improve your visibility on search engines. title tags The Title of each page on your website should be an accurate, concise description of the content on the page.  This is a very important element of “On Page” Search Engine Optimisation. Here...

Anchor text – :

Anchor text – :

This is clickable text that users/visitors to your site will see as a link. This link tells users and Google information about the page. The better the anchor text the easier it is for users to navigate and for Google to understand what you’re linking is about. DO’s The text you use for the...

Some Fun Facts About Easter!

Some Fun Facts About Easter!

1. Every child in the UK receives an average of 8.8 Easter eggs every year – double their recommended calorie intake for a whole week. 2. The largest ever Easter egg hunt was in Florida, where 9,753 children searched for 501,000 eggs. 3. In 2007, an Easter egg covered in diamonds sold for almost...