Reduce your print, postage and distribution costs and enable your customers to browse your products online whenever they want to.

Instead of its traditional hard copy counterpart, en eBook will reach an audience globally at low cost, enabling you to access a far wider customer base on a highly cost effective basis.

Why opt for an eBook?

Electronic brochures or eBrochures created by Give the Dog a Bone can incorporate video clips, audio, and flash graphics for maximum impact. eBrochures or electronic brochures also have the advantage of being easily updated and edited – never going out of date.

Our eBrochures can cut the cost of traditional print by hundreds or thousands of pounds depending on the distribution size. An eBook lets you respond instantly to requests for more detail and enable customers to order on the spot, online.

Travel, retail, property, training… whatever your sector, the eBook can be a key tool in your marketing armoury. Give the Dog a Bone can create your electronic brochures to look and feel better than a glossy catalogue and they can be distributed on line or as CD ROM format.

Talk to us about Electronic Brochures in Cheshire today!