Why choose us?

Having been at it for the best part of 15 years! Our designs are not only pleasing on the eye, but they also work for our clients and their businesses.

The overall goal of a website is to attract people from further afield - but there may be no point in that if you're not putting the right stuff up there, and more importantly, in the right way.

Our websites are created in the most personal of ways, ensuring that the client is in-touch with the site through every stage of the development.

Our Process

See below for a brief run through of the web design process that we take at Give the Dog a Bone.

Initial Discussions

When you see the light and decide that you'd like Give the Dog a Bone to manage your website, we'll meet with you to discuss everything that you would like your website to do, and we'll advise on the best way to achieve your goals.

Concept / Web Design

Once the initial discussions have taken place, we'll go away and put that all into some concept work, illustrating how the site is going to look upon completion. We work with you through this whole stage to make sure that you're happy with where the designs are going.

Web Build

Once the designs are approved by you, we move into the building stage. This is where the magic happens essentially, and your concepts become reality. Our web design team spend hours and hours making sure that everything is in the right place and that your website is ready for you to view.

Amendments and Testing

Once you're happy with the work that we have produced, then we'll have another meeting and this gives you the opportunity to make any amendments to the website, and once everything is agreed, we move into the testing of the site, ensuring that it works on all browsers and devices.

Our designs and websites are built in the correct way, and work seamlessly across all browsers and platforms. Our web design team strive to produce cutting edge designs for our clients to ensure better results for them and their business.

Talk to us about Creative Web Design today!